Go to the website: www.empresesdeporreres.com

Choose the desired language at the upper right corner

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Click LOGIN and introduce your USER and PASSWORD

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Once you are logged in, you'll see a new header VENDORS ACCESS

Click on it to upload your products

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Once you are inside, you'll see a screen where you can modify your account

  • In VENDOR ACCOUNT, you can modify your personal/company data
  • Inside CUSTOMERS, you can see the clients who have bought at your business
  • In ORDERS, you'll see all the purchases that have been done at your business

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Inside PRODUCTS, you can upload new products, modify existing ones, delete, etc.

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To upload a new product, click NEW

Fulfill the product data and then click SAVE

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You can publish or unpublish your products, depending on your live stock, by clicking the button next to the product

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 To log out from your vendor account, click Log Out

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Additionally, in case you've lost it, you can recover your password following the steps provided at the "Forgot your password?" link that is found inside the form from the Log In button.

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Xipo E-commerce
  • Plaça de la Vila, 17
  • (+34) 971 647221
  • info@empresesdeporreres.com
Porreres Producte Local
  • Plaça de la Vila, 17
  • (+34) 674549301
  • deporreres@gmail.com

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